
Where can I find Postal exam dates?

Under their new system, you apply for a job, not for an exam. And you can apply for a job anytime one is posted that you want to pursue. There is an average of 3,000 jobs posted on the USPS site on any given day, so finding one to apply for should not be a problem

You are scheduled for the proper exam as you apply for the job, and you take the exam online within three days of applying. Hiring has always been and still is based exclusively upon exam scores.

That is where we come in. Our USPS Practice Tests with Actual Postal Exam Questions & Proven Best Answers is the key to your highest possible score.

The scoring software creates a profile of you based upon your answers and compares your profile with their theoretical profile for an ideal employee. The closer you match their ideal profile, the higher your score, and the greater your chance for getting the job.

USPS Practice Tests with Actual Postal Exam Questions & Proven Best Answers has recommended answers proven to match their ideal profile. The author has used these answers to ace exams 474, 475, 476, and 477 multiple times, and applicants often do the same.

Ready to dive in? Let’s start together.